Contact us

We pride ourselves on ensuring users have the best possible experience when finding an internship. If you need any help or are a business looking to post on our site, drop us an email and we will work hard to respond as fast as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Need some quick help? Check out the section below and see if it answers your questions.

Why should I use My Intern?

At My Intern, we collate high quality internships from a variety of different platforms to give students an efficient internship search process. Our services will provide you with the best chance of securing the right internship for you. 

What are the benefits of an Internship?

The main benefits of completing an internship include: gaining extra skills to help your career development; providing you with useful industry contacts; and giving you workplace experience to mention in job interviews.

How do I use My Intern?

You can use the My Intern website to narrow down your search for internships based on the industry you are interested in. Then you can look at the details of the internship and decide whether it is right for you before applying through the representative job site. You can then use our manage and prepare sections to give you a greater chance of success.

What happens if I can't find an internship I like?

If you can’t find a suitable internship on My Intern, contact us via our contact details above. Alternatively, you can take a look at our recruitment agencies section and reach out to them for opportunities.

Do I have to be a student?

Most internships are aimed at students and graduates to give them an opportunity to learn skills within a particular field. However, there may be internships where this isn't a necessity. Look at the application pages of the internships to check your eligibility. 

Can I use My Intern if I am not in the UK?

My Intern currently focuses on UK internships however there are some opportunities abroad which can be found. We are looking to bring My Intern to more counties as soon as we can so keep checking back in for opportunities near to you.

I’m a business or recruitment agency, and I want to list my internship or company on your site; how can I do this?

If you are a business, recruitment agency or job board, please reach out in the section above. We are more than happy to help collaborate and guide users to your platform and businesses!